About Us
The Clinical Genomics (CG) platform was established in 2014 to meet the increasing demands by the translational research community to leverage genomic technologies towards improved diagnostics and treatment. Today, the platform has full national outreach with nodes at all seven Swedish medical faculties, working in close collaboration with the respective university hospital.

Given that Swedish healthcare is organized into autonomous regions, the national coverage is critical for ensuring equal access to services provided by the platform and accelerating the implementation of new diagnostics in healthcare throughout the country.
Vision and Mission
Our VISION is to positioning Sweden as a global leader in translating genomic discoveries into clinical practice and societal impact.
Our MISSION includes three key objectives:
- Provide world-class support for translational research and clinical studies.
- Adapt and optimize new genomic technologies for tomorrow’s healthcare.
- Contribute to a direct patient and societal impact by promoting precision medicine.

Synergies and collaborations
The CG platform maintains a large network in the national and international research communities, organizations and industries, where our close connections to healthcare is a particularly valuable partner for technology development, testing and translation.